© Staatsoper Unter den Linden, Foto: Gordon Welters Concerti a Berlino I concerti e gli spettacoli più belli
© visitBerlin Foto: Martin Peterdamm 4 giorni Berlino da 193, - € Hotel con colazione inclusa & Berlin Welcome Card
© visitBerlin, Foto: Philip Koschel Biglietti e attività sulla Guerra Fredda e il Muro di Berlino Tour, mostre storiche e altro ancora
Musicals © Ali Guclu Simsek Musicals 07.02.2025 + 4 additional dates CONSISTENT FANTASY IS REALITY CONSISTENT FANTASY IS REALITY Musicals 07.02.2025 + 4 additional dates CONSISTENT FANTASY IS REALITY A glittering and glamorous musical theatre rebellion by Gaye Su Akyol: Post-punk, grunge and psychedelic surf rock meet Turkish classical and Anatolian folk music in the style of Gaye Su Akyol, to confront oppression and injustice in the here and now with a… Leggi tutto City of music experimental and contemporary Art Posizione Heimathafen Neukölln Heimathafen Neukölln Data e ora 19:00 https://heimathafen-neukoelln.de/events/consistent-fantasy-is-reality/
Art © Underground Vernissage - Schimmler ART Art 07.02.2025 Underground Vernissage Underground Vernissage Art 07.02.2025 Underground Vernissage Schimmler invites you to an exclusive underground vernissage at a secret location in Berlin. After the great success of his last exhibitions, including the celebrated show in Bikini Berlin, the artist Schimmler is presenting his latest vernissage. Leggi tutto Contemporary Art Posizione Erfragen / bei Anmeldung Erfragen / bei Anmeldung Data e ora 19:00 Acquista i biglietti
Films © Roy Export Company Ltd. and Bourne Co. Films 07.02.2025 Chaplin's The Gold Rush LIVE with Babylon Orchester Berlin Chaplin's The Gold Rush LIVE with Babylon Orchester Berlin Films 07.02.2025 Chaplin's The Gold Rush LIVE with Babylon Orchester Berlin After "The Kid", "The Gold Rush" was Chaplin's first feature-length film and became his most successful to date and for him the most important artistically. Leggi tutto Film events in Berlin The roaring twenties in Berlin International Posizione Babylon Babylon Data e ora 19:30 https://babylonberlin.eu/film/4350-chaplin-s-the-gold-rush-with-live-orchestra Acquista i biglietti
Musicals © sunstroem Musicals 05.05.2024 – 23.02.2025 Ku'damm 59 - The Musical Ku'damm 59 - The Musical Musicals 05.05.2024 – 23.02.2025 Ku'damm 59 - The Musical Discover the new hit musical in Berlin: "Ku'damm 59" at the Stage Theater des Westens! Immerse yourself in the year 1959, when the longing for love and freedom fills the air. The sequel to the gripping story of the Schöllack family and their dance school… Leggi tutto City of music Posizione Stage Theater des Westens Stage Theater des Westens Kantstraße 12 10623 Berlin Data e ora 19:30 https://www.eventim.de/artist/kudamm-59-das-musical/?affiliate=VB1 Acquista i biglietti
Play © tic / Detlef Fleischer Play 07.02.2025 + 2 additional dates EIN KLEINES STÜCK ÜBER HABEN UND SEIN (A SHORT PLAY ABOUT HAVING AND BEING) EIN KLEINES STÜCK ÜBER HABEN UND SEIN (A SHORT PLAY ABOUT HAVING AND BEING) Play 07.02.2025 + 2 additional dates EIN KLEINES STÜCK ÜBER HABEN UND SEIN (A SHORT PLAY ABOUT HAVING AND BEING) A play developed by the Bürgerbühne Pankow Leggi tutto Berlin's neighbourhoods Posizione KulturMarktHalle KulturMarktHalle Data e ora 19:30 https://www.kulturmarkthalle.berlin/event-details/ein-kleines-stuck-uber-haben-und-sein-premiere
Opera © Monika Rittershaus Opera 07.02.2025 + 2 additional dates Elektra Elektra Opera 07.02.2025 + 2 additional dates Elektra Like a call from mythical prehistory, Richard Strauss' "Elektra" conjures up the magic of the eerily gloomy, the archaically cruel. An almost indispensable "tremendous musical build-up to the end" (Strauss) immerses the listener deeply in Elektra's world of… Leggi tutto Classic music in Berlin City of music Posizione Staatsoper Unter den Linden Staatsoper Unter den Linden Data e ora 19:30 https://www.staatsoper-berlin.de/de/veranstaltungen/elektra.73/ Acquista i biglietti
Concerts © Promo Concerts 07.02.2025 GORDON GRDINA GORDON GRDINA Concerts 07.02.2025 GORDON GRDINA For his first Pierre Boulez Saal appearance as a leader, Canadian guitarist and oud player Gordon Grdina has assembled an international group of artists from diverse musical traditions who perform together for the first time. Leggi tutto City of music Posizione Pierre Boulez Saal Pierre Boulez Saal Data e ora 19:30 https://prod.pbs-1.io.swhost.in/de/event/gordon-grdina-400088 Acquista i biglietti
Theatre © Phillip Zwanzig Theatre 07.02.2025 + 8 additional dates Murder on the Regional Express Murder on the Regional Express Theatre 07.02.2025 + 8 additional dates Murder on the Regional Express The well-known actor and director Milan Peschel, together with the actors of the RambaZamba Theater, will use dialogues to illustrate the absurdity of everyday life and the post-dramatic turning point in time and interweave them with contemporary questions… Leggi tutto Posizione Theater RambaZamba Theater RambaZamba Data e ora 19:30 Acquista i biglietti
Theatre © DERDEHMEL/Urbschat Theatre 07.02.2025 + 14 additional dates Achtsam Morden Achtsam Morden Theatre 07.02.2025 + 14 additional dates Achtsam Morden In order to save his marriage to Katharina (Ines Nieri), defense lawyer Björn Diemel (Mario Ramos) has to get his work-life balance in order. His wife sends the smart lawyer, who has to look after the well-being of organized crime in everyday life, to a… Leggi tutto Posizione Schlosspark Theater Schlosspark Theater Data e ora 20:00 https://www.schlossparktheater.de/produktionen/achtsam-morden.html Acquista i biglietti
Rock & Pop © Michael Clement Rock & Pop 07.02.2025 James Blunt | 20th Anniversary of Back to Bedlam James Blunt | 20th Anniversary of Back to Bedlam Rock & Pop 07.02.2025 James Blunt | 20th Anniversary of Back to Bedlam 20 years after launching his career with his first hits ‘You're Beautiful’ and ‘Goodbye My Lover’, James Blunt will be touring Germany in 2025 with a new edition of his debut album ‘Back To Bedlam’. Leggi tutto City of music Posizione Uber Arena (ehemals Mercedes-Benz Arena Berlin) Uber Arena (ehemals Mercedes-Benz Arena Berlin) Data e ora 20:00 Acquista i biglietti
Cabaret & Comedy © Christine Fiedler Cabaret & Comedy 07.02.2025 + 6 additional dates Michael Hatzius: Echsklusiv - Neues Programm Michael Hatzius: Echsklusiv - Neues Programm Cabaret & Comedy 07.02.2025 + 6 additional dates Michael Hatzius: Echsklusiv - Neues Programm The lizard has long since achieved a kind of guru status among its fans. As a reptile, she is full of experiences, stories and wisdom. This is masterfully presented by the award-winning puppeteer Michael Hatzius, who skillfully merges into the aura of the self… Leggi tutto Posizione Die Wühlmäuse Die Wühlmäuse Data e ora 20:00 https://wuehlmaeuse.de/veranstaltung/echsklusiv-neues-programm/ticket/37484 Acquista i biglietti
Variety Show © Andy Phillipson Variety Show 07.02.2025 + 113 additional dates Play Dead Play Dead Variety Show 07.02.2025 + 113 additional dates Play Dead With Play Dead, the Canadian company People Watching has created an astonishing debut work. The show will be re-staged exclusively for the Chamäleon in order to artistically expand the facets of the Chamäleon stage with its extraordinairy and powerful… Leggi tutto International Easter Posizione Chamäleon Berlin (in den Hackeschen Höfen) Chamäleon Berlin (in den Hackeschen Höfen) Data e ora 20:00 https://chamaeleonberlin.com/de/shows/play-dead/ Acquista i biglietti
Art © Christoph Voy Art 07.02.2025 + 1 additional date PYTHO Carousel PYTHO Carousel Art 07.02.2025 + 1 additional date PYTHO Carousel A hypnotic evening with automated slide projectors, electronics and percussion: Several slide projectors, placed on stands around the room and filled with more than 600 slides from Michael Vorfeld‘s collection, create complex visual worlds in infinite… Leggi tutto Contemporary Art International Posizione Theater im Delphi Theater im Delphi Data e ora 20:00 https://theater-im-delphi.de/programm/?prod=372 Acquista i biglietti
Cabaret & Comedy © Sven Darmer + Serious Fun GmbH Cabaret & Comedy 07.02.2025 + 30 additional dates Quatsch Comedy Club Berlin - Live Show Quatsch Comedy Club Berlin - Live Show Cabaret & Comedy 07.02.2025 + 30 additional dates Quatsch Comedy Club Berlin - Live Show Germany's most famous stand-up comedy show: Four comedians. One presenter. New every week. Variety is a priority here: In the Quatsch Comedy Club's live show you can experience new comedians in a show every week. Leggi tutto Posizione Quatsch Comedy Club Quatsch Comedy Club Data e ora 20:00 https://quatsch-comedy-club.de/live-comedy-shows/#programm Acquista i biglietti
Musicals © Anna Mateur Musicals 07.02.2025 + 18 additional dates Rosa von Praunheims Die Bettwurst - Das Musical! Rosa von Praunheims Die Bettwurst - Das Musical! Musicals 07.02.2025 + 18 additional dates Rosa von Praunheims Die Bettwurst - Das Musical! Rosa von Praunheim - renowned director, producer, author and activist of the LGBTQ movement - is staging his own cult film from 1971 as a musical. Leggi tutto LGBTI Posizione Bar jeder Vernunft Bar jeder Vernunft Data e ora 20:00 https://www.bar-jeder-vernunft.de/de/programm/kalender_2025_02.html Acquista i biglietti
Rock & Pop © Sammy Rae & The Friends Rock & Pop 07.02.2025 Sammy Rae & The Friends Sammy Rae & The Friends Rock & Pop 07.02.2025 Sammy Rae & The Friends Sammy Rae & The Friends is a collective of dreamers and artists who live by the motto "One for all, all for one". They delight audiences with rousing stage shows that create a strong sense of community. Leggi tutto City of music On Tour Posizione Gretchen Gretchen Data e ora 20:00 Acquista i biglietti
Show © Stars in Concert - Estrel Showtheater Show 30.01.2025 – 30.03.2025 Stars in Concert Stars in Concert Show 30.01.2025 – 30.03.2025 Stars in Concert With “Stars in Concert” the Las Vegas feeling comes live to Berlin. Not fake, but real feelings arise when the world’s most famous stars take to the stage at the Estrel Showcenter. Leggi tutto City of music Posizione Estrel Showtheater - Estrel Berlin Estrel Showtheater - Estrel Berlin Data e ora 20:00 Acquista i biglietti
Concerts © alegria Concerts 07.02.2025 The Sound of James Bond The Sound of James Bond Concerts 07.02.2025 The Sound of James Bond Theme songs and excerpts from the soundtracks from From Russia with Love, Goldfinger, Thunderball, You Only Live Twice, Diamonds Are Forever, Live and Let Die, GoldenEye, Casino Royale, Skyfall, No Time to Die and others. Leggi tutto City of music Film events in Berlin Posizione Philharmonie Berlin Philharmonie Berlin Data e ora 20:00 https://www.berliner-philharmoniker.de/konzerte/kalender/55973 Acquista i biglietti
Variety Show © Promo Variety Show 07.02.2025 + 179 additional dates The Crazy Berlin Show: VARIETÉ GAGA The Crazy Berlin Show: VARIETÉ GAGA Variety Show 07.02.2025 + 179 additional dates The Crazy Berlin Show: VARIETÉ GAGA With British eccentricity, Berlin snark, crazy acrobatics and rousing pop melodies, the Wintergarten invites you on a wild ride through the many faces of Germany’s capital city Berlin. Leggi tutto International Easter Whitsun Posizione Wintergarten Varieté Wintergarten Varieté Data e ora 20:00 https://wintergarten-berlin.de/shows/gaga/ Acquista i biglietti
Contemporary Dance © Dieter Hartwig Contemporary Dance 07.02.2025 + 5 additional dates staubkinder staubkinder Contemporary Dance 07.02.2025 + 5 additional dates staubkinder Inspired by the music of Gustav Mahler, the creation of cie. toula limnaios is dedicated to the children of dust that we are. They are deeply anchored in our individual and universal memories. Leggi tutto International Posizione HALLE Tanzbühne Berlin HALLE Tanzbühne Berlin Data e ora 20:30 https://toula.de/staubkinder/ Acquista i biglietti
Blues & Jazz © Fuasi Blues & Jazz 07.02.2025 FUASI ABDUL KALIQ ORGAN ENSEMBLE FUASI ABDUL KALIQ ORGAN ENSEMBLE Blues & Jazz 07.02.2025 FUASI ABDUL KALIQ ORGAN ENSEMBLE With Fuasi Abdul-Khaliq, one of Germany's most distinguished jazz musicians, Zig-Zag Jazz Club is once again graced with a program featuring authentic Afro-American jazz sounds in the tradition of the genre's most influential artists. Leggi tutto City of music Posizione Zig Zag Jazz Club Zig Zag Jazz Club Data e ora 21:00 Acquista i biglietti