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Berlin is a city of photography - for one month!

It is the largest German photography festival: The European Month of Photography Berlin / Europäischer Monat der Fotografie . Every two years, for four exciting weeks, the focus is on the entire diversity of historical and contemporary photography. Numerous exhibition projects and events in Berlin showcase major museum presentations as well as solo and group exhibitions and the contributions of international cultural institutes and embassies. Participating institutions are located all over the city: museums and galleries as well as project spaces and schools of photography.

Dive deep into the medium and take in the full range of what is possible in workshops, panel discussions, guided tours and talks

The European Month of Photography Berlin is part of the European Month of Photography (EMOP), a European joint project to which the photo festivals in Athens, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Luxembourg, Paris and Vienna belong. The aim is to cooperate on a European level, to strengthen the international photo scene and to support young artists.