Berlin is a city of literature
Berlin has always been a beacon and setting for literary creation beyond all borders: From the salons of Rahel Varnhagen to Fontane, Döblin, Brecht, Anna Seghers and contemporary literary figures, the long list of important writers goes on.
No wonder the city offers countless events where literature is presented, discussed and critically examined against socio-political backgrounds - right across all districts of Berlin. Three important traditional literature houses in Mitte, Charlottenburg and at Wannsee are at the forefront with their extensive programmes of events, but book presentations and reading courses, symposia and workshops also take place on Berlin's stages, in cafés and cultural venues.
Make special plans for the International Literature Festival Berlin, the annual highlight of all literary events in Berlin. It takes place every autumn at special locations in the capital and also offers a wide-ranging supporting programme and readings on Berlin's major stages.