About the berlinHistory App: The berlinHistory App is a digital museum on Berlin's history that is constantly being expanded by the non-profit association of the same name in cooperation with over 80 Berlin cultural institutions and initiatives and archives. All content is presented in a location-based manner in urban space and created to remain permanently.
The berlinHistory app provides a wide range of city history information on current and historical maps and aerial photos with texts, photos, films, eyewitness interviews and tours.
The app is free, ad-free, and occupies minimal storage space at approximately 40 MB, as all content is streamed.
Among the new content:
Year of the Organ: more information can be found here.
Places of sports history of East Berlin: The two sports historians Daniel Küchenmeister and Dr. Thomas Schneider, who have already traced the history of Berlin soccer with the four soccer routes in the berlinHistory.App with the support of the DKLB, now present the sports history of East Berlin in the areas of popular and recreational sports, sports venues and clubs, sports politics and media in 32 articles, pictures and on the historical map of East Berlin in a new topic layer.
Citizens tell their stories about Berlin's reunification: In dozens of interviews, several East Berlin personalities and "normal" East Berliners - including those close to the system - describe their experiences from their personal perspectives about reunification, their hopes, fears and experiences. The interviews are organized according to topics such as occupation and work, sports in East and West, formative experiences, racism and discrimination during reunification, the transformation of Berlin, school and university, feminist perspectives, and art and culture, and are made accessible via a historical map. This opens up a panorama of different perspectives beyond the usual historical narrative mainstream.
Schauplatz Geschichtsorte von Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf: Starting from the Museum Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, places of "diversity and sacred buildings", "housing and welfare", "industrial culture", "commemoration of the victims of National Socialism", "testimonies of the architectural movement", a "tour through the old town", "parks and squares", the "growing suburbs"- on the way to the metropolis, "cinema and theater", "buildings of "post-war modernism" are thematized.
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