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Along an approx. 4 km long circular path in Berlin's Grunewald, numerous topics on the adaptation of Berlin's forests to climate change are presented at 11 information islands, the so-called ""Waldwohnzimmern" (Forest Living Rooms).

The large main entrance area to the exhibition "Wald.Berlin.Klima." opposite the Grunewald Tower serves as a venue and meeting place. Here the guests are welcomed.

Numerous special installations, wooden walkways and viewing platforms create a modern, sustainable and lively exhibition. It also offers wonderful nature experiences and recreation through the diverse forest and landscape pictures, water areas and moors that can be discovered along the way.

What does the exhibition Wald. Berlin. Climate?

The exhibition "Wald.Berlin.Klima." is intended to inform about the connections between climate change, forest and the significance for the city of Berlin.
Guests will also learn about the work of the Berlin foresters. The main theme of the exhibition is the adaptation of Berlin's forests to climate change. The transformation of the pine forests into mixed forests with consistent further development of near-natural forest management (Berlin mixed forest programme) will be explained, as will the importance of moors and forests as CO2 sinks.

The exhibition also provides information on the significance of CO2 for city dwellers and Berlin's climate policy in a global context. It also deals with the causes, effects and consequences of climate change.

The exhibition is thought-provoking and, in the form of texts and easy-to-understand graphics, presents connections to visitors' everyday lives.

The exhibition conveys both basic and in-depth knowledge on two different levels. Expert knowledge can be accessed via a QR code and an exhibition app. Biodiversity, sustainable use of wood, groundwater recharge and drinking water production are just a few of the wide range of topics on display.


Together with the exhibition "Wald.Berlin.Klima.", the mixed forest development in Grunewald forms one of the reference projects of the Berlin Urban Landscape Strategy. By 2050, the currently pine-dominated stands will be converted into near-natural, structural, site-specific, climate-adapted mixed forests.

By 2017, the first areas are already to be converted and the forest conversion is to be vividly presented to the public on site. In Grunewald, for example, the aim is to show how silviculture can improve the quality of recreational use on the one hand and the ecological aspects on the other.

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