For the "Expedition TIRILI" they normally travel to the daycare centers in Berlin and Brandenburg with light luggage and without an elaborate stage set. Now the "Expedition TIRILI" is also stopping off in the gallery foyer of the Deutsche Oper Berlin for a few performances and invites you to experience the sounds on the sand-colored carpet and brightly colored seat cushions.
Children are a great audience: open, curious, enthusiastic. They don't miss the curtain or the orchestra pit and have no fixed idea of how an audience should behave. They are born researchers. And two musicians accompany them on the music-theatrical journey of discovery. Together they ask themselves: How are sounds created? What is music made of? Who or what is this mysterious TIRILI?
For "Expedition TIRILI" they worked in cooperation with TUKI with children from the Kastanienallee daycare center. For example, they experimented with sounds and themes in the daycare center beforehand. This process was incorporated into the development of the production.
30 minutes / no break
Additional information
World premiere on 17 January 2020
Participating artists
Franziska Seeberg (Inszenierung)
Thomas Prestin (Musikalische Beratung und Probenleitung)
Janina Janke (Bühne, Kostüme)
Lars Gebhardt (Dramaturgie)
Julia Bihl (Mitarbeit Stückentwicklung)
Cathrin Romeis (Performerin / Sängerin)
Nina Rotner (Performerin / Sängerin)