The tour focuses on the career of the Turkish painter and opera singer. During the tour, the biographical themes of this exciting personality as well as the connection between opera and fine art in his work are discussed. Free with a valid ticket. Registration is not required.
Free of charge with a valid admission ticket. Registration not required.
Türk ressam ve opera sanatçısının kariyeri turun merkezinde yer alıyor. Tur boyunca, bu heyecan verici kişiliğin biyografik temalarının yanı sıra, çalışmalarındaki opera ve görsel sanat arasındaki bağlantı da tartışılacak.
Additional information
All tours can be booked for groups through Museumsdienst as well:
Book the tour for a group visit
+49 (0)30 247 49 888 (Monday to Friday: 9 am to 4 pm, Saturday and Sunday: 9 am to 1 pm)