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Still – Moving. Portraits 1992 – 2024

Since the early 1990s, the Dutch artist Rineke Dijkstra has produced an impressive body of photographic- and video work, offering a contemporary take on the genre of portraiture.

By isolating people from their everyday context and searching for glimmers of individuality while focusing on subtle details, the posture and gaze of the subject, she encourages the viewer to look closely at people who are in transition in one way or another.

Her solo show in the Berlinische Galerie will give an overview of her work, concentrating on the theme of ‘transition’, with series like ‘New Mothers’, ‘Bullfighters’ and ‘Almerisa’.

Also ‘The Park series’ partly created in Tiergarten, Berlin, will be presented, as will photographs which have remained in her archives and so far have not been displayed in public.
Dijkstra is fascinated with the theme of authenticity, the way people express their personality, and how you can capture a certain kind of naturalness in a photograph. This is especially evident in her video art.

The exhibition will consequently provide space for a selection of her videos: In addition to the iconic "The Buzz Club, Liverpool, UK / Mystery World, Zaandam, NL" (1996 - 97), the exhibition will also present "I See a Woman Crying" (2009).

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Additional information
Price info: Tickets can be booked online here.
Free admission for under 18s
Free admission for refugees / Вільний вхід для біженців / Для беженцев вход бесплатный

Price: €10.00

Reduced price: €6.00

Reduced price info: Reduced ad­mission for visitors with severe dis­abilities + Free admission for one recognized accompanying person

Upon presenting a ticket from the Jewish Museum Berlin, we will grant you an admission discount. The same offer applies in reverse to temporary exhibitions at the Jewish Museum. Its permanent exhibition can be visited free of charge.