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fairy tales - really grim!

A beautiful theater experience: two actors, a familiar original text and an intimate stage! Once upon a time - Grimm's Fairy Tales in the Glass Palace.

The specially designed format, which presents two half-hour fairy tales per performance, underlines the close connection between the unique charm of these stories, their special comedy and the gripping, scary atmosphere with the deep-rooted fears and hopes of everyone.

In no time, the stage is transformed into a festively set table with something for everyone: highly entertaining enjoyment.

Mother Hulda

Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere. In the constant competition for recognition within society, anarchy is simply forgotten as a productive element of creation. Always higher, ever further, ever faster and in the end only one winner gets the gold medal. But what about all the others standing next to the winner's podium? It is said that once your reputation is ruined, you live quite unabashedly. And the world is open: those who behave well get A's; the others have sex appeal.

rabbit and Hedgehog

The classic par excellence, the primal grimm. This is how the brothers Jacob and Wilhelm taught them how to make their tall tales come true in a playful way: using two actors, a tiny stage with a beer mat and great attention to literal detail. The original text is as holy as the Bible and taken seriously like Shakespearean ham. What it says is a strict instruction for action, even and especially when the hare competes with the hedgehog for seventy-three rounds. Who plays the hedgehog woman? And how, pray tell, does one fall for the same cheap trick credibly 73 times? Well, quite simple: with the help of the audience and with great pleasure, yes, that's what they promise: Grimm free on the Fairytale Mountain!
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