psychological thriller by Sebastian Fitzek
Three women - all young, beautiful and fun-loving - disappear without a trace. Only one week in the clutches of the psychopath, whom the press calls the "soul breaker", is enough: When the women are picked up again, they are neglected, mentally broken - as if buried alive in their own bodies.
Shortly before Christmas the Soulbreaker becomes active again, especially in a psychiatric clinic in Berlin-Wannsee. Doctors and patients are shocked to find out that the perpetrator was admitted unrecognized just before the clinic was completely cut off from the outside world by a blizzard. The trapped ones desperately try to protect each other - but in the night of horror that follows, the soul breaker shows that there is no escape....
- Director: Wolfgang Rumpf
- Facilities: Manfred Bitterlich
(Program in German)
Participating artists
Wolfgang Rumpf (Regie)
Sebastian Fitzek (Autor/in)
Manfred Bitterlich (Ausstatter/-in)
Kristin Schulze (Dr. Sophia Dorn)
André Zimmermann (Caspar)
Katrin Martin (Greta Kaminsky)
Jenny Löffler (Yasmin Schiller)
Thomas Linke (Tom Schadeck)
Pablo Nina Toculescu (Dirk Bachmann)
Gerhard Suppus (Dr. Jonathan Bruck)
Henning Wolff (Prof. Dr. Samuel Raßfeld)