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#experimental music at Kühlspot Social Club

TAZ: Temporary Autonomous Zone is a situation created with autonomy. with a non-hierarchical vision of encounters between musicians.

SET 1:
Eric Bauer:  extended electrónics
Anne Eding : violin-viola

SET 2:                                                                                       
Sar von Thei:  composer
Lorena Izquierdo: voice action

SET 3:
KINK GONG :  electronicsTAZ (Temporary Autonomous Zone)
is a situation created with autonomy. with a non-hierarchical vision of encounters between musicians.

plants on the road.

sky that erases the city.

key tool to slip through th e cracks of conventional procedures.the present time degenerates into an overly structured and rigid system that inevitably stifles individual creativity.

It is in the opportunities for creativity that genuine empowerment lies, considering that in a way this liberation has a festive spirit. it is concerned with existing or emerging situations and not with utopia, since it asserts that temporally autonomous zones are not something that "will" or "should" happen but something that is in fact happening.