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Symposium at Schloss Biesdorf

The symposium at Schloss Biesdorf addresses the relationship between artistic practice and the cultural-political order, poses the question of aesthetic freedom and the methods of subversive or resistant art. The starting point is the work of Achim Freyer and the art history of the GDR. This specific situation is contextualised by a look at forms of resistance in the arts of the post-war period and contemporary art.

Opening with Thomas Krüger
President of the Federal Agency for Civic Education

Panel I
with Alexia Pooth, Uwe Warnke, Achim Freyer

How were artists from the GDR and the Eastern Bloc received in the West, how were they represented at major international exhibitions such as documenta 1977? And what role did the GDR avant-garde play? The visual artist and theatre maker Achim Freyer took part in documenta 6 in 1977, where GDR painting was exhibited for the first time.

With her research in the documenta archive, art historian Alexia Pooth opens up a new perspective on the cultural-political framework conditions of the international art scene. The writer and curator Uwe Warnke uses his large archive of interviews on transformation processes in contemporary visual art in Germany to open up a complex perspective on the art scenes in West and East.

Panel II
with Andrea Pichl, Mark Lammert, Heinz Havemeister
How were resistance and individual freedom expressed in the visual arts? What strategies were used to develop radical positions or to continue them underground? And how do these strategies continue to have an international impact after the fall of the Wall?

The artist and curator Andrea Pichl updates strategies of resistance in her current exhibitions, as does the visual artist, stage designer and university lecturer Mark Lammert.

The author, musician and curator Heinz Havemeister questions the tyranny of the intimate and the conditions of publicity in the arts. How does artistic freedom assert itself between cultural policy and the market?

Concept and moderation Johannes Odenthal

An event organised by Schloss Biesdorf in cooperation with the Achim Freyer Foundation as part of the exhibition ACHIM FREYER BILDER.

Please register in advance 

Duration: 4 hours

(event in German language)

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Additional information
free entry

Opening hours: 
daily 10 am - 18 pm 
friday 12 am to 21 pm 
tuesday closed


The Biesdorf Palace Gallery is handicapped accessible.