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On this evening, three idiosyncratic lyrical voices can be heard, which at the same time exhibit a certain affinity: in their sensitive and daring approach to language and the world around them, in their playful-experimental traits of composition and in their critical dance with the manifold destructive forces of modernity.

In an original way, they venture into the border areas of our alienated conditions, whose elements they steal, rework and compost - so that traces of other kinds of connections and resonance can be felt.

Elke Cremer's poetry explores ‘fenced-in residual milieus’ and ‘digital cemeteries’, and undertakes expeditions to the moon and the bottom of the sea. She moves through present and future forest areas, some of which have been damaged by climatic distortions, others of which are sprawling freely and uncontrollably. In addition to poems from her volume ‘Aufriss ohne Häuser’ (KLAK, 2022), Cremer presents unpublished poetry on the subject of ‘forest’, which corresponds with a parallel video work by the artist Katinka Theis.

Lars-Arvid Brischke's poems can be read or heard as soliloquies with animals, plants, landscapes, objects or ideas. Firmly rooted motifs from business, politics, culture and everyday life are gently to vigorously shaken up and - sometimes cheerfully, sometimes bitingly - newly linked, varied and converted. This creates microcosms, often accumulated into series or cycles that are quite something. Brischke will be reading from his latest volume ‘wer fällt schon aus der welt’ (2020).

Rainer Stolz's poems invite us to wander through a network of cunning linguistic and perceptual paths. In seismographies of social change, at fractures and interfaces of life, spaces of play and resonance, dissident parallel worlds open up. In these interdisciplinary structures of linguistic art, sound composition and visual design, a ‘recombination glow’ sometimes occurs in the ‘maternoster’ or on ‘wanderinseln’. Stolz reads from his latest volume ‘flüchtige ankünfte’ (2024).

Elke Cremer studied literature and musicology. She received the Literature Annual Scholarship from the Baden-Württemberg Art Foundation and the GEDOK Heidelberg Poetry Prize. In 2019, she reached the final round of the Gertrud Kolmar Prize.
Her poetry booklet ‘Linien aus Bienen’ was published in 2014, the poetry cycle ‘Die Mandarinenorakel’ (together with Eva Brunner) in 2021 and her poetry collection ‘Aufriss ohne Häuser’ in 2022 . In 2017, 2022 and 2023 she received the German Audio Film Award.
Elke Cremer is part of the writing collective ‘Literatur für das, was passiert’ and the nature writing group ‘dns [die_natur.schreibt]’.

Katinka Theis, born in Freiburg in 1975, focusses her artistic work on objects, installations and art in public spaces. Since studying sculpture from 1996-2000 at the Alanus Hochschule, University of Art and Society Bonn, she has lived and worked as a freelancer in Berlin. From 2007-2009 she completed the master's programme ‘Spatial Strategies’ at the Berlin-Weißensee School of Art and has since been represented nationally and internationally in numerous exhibitions and participated in projects in public space. She has been teaching on the Studium Fundamentale programme at Witten-Herdecke University since 2014.

Rainer Stolz, born in Hamburg in 1966, lives in Berlin as a freelance author and course leader in adult education (poetry and empathic communication). His poetic work includes activities as a reviewer, editor, event organiser and poetry coach, poetic walks, poetic improvisation as performance and participation in interdisciplinary art projects. He has received numerous grants for his lyrical work. Previous volumes of poetry: ‘flüchtige ankünfte’ (2024), ‘Selbstporträt mit Chefkalender’ (2014), ‘Spötter und Schwärmer’ (2012) and ‘Während mich die Stadt erfindet’ (2007).

Lars-Arvid Brischke

  • 1972: born in Dresden, lives in Berlin
  • 1994-2000: studied energy technology at the TU Berlin
  • 1997: Co-founder and member of the poetry group ‘Die Freuden des jungen Konverters’
  • 2000-2003: Energy engineer in Winterthur (CH)
  • 2005: Doctorate at the University of Stuttgart
  • 2006: Poetry volume ‘eine leichte acht’
  • Since 2010: Energy and futurologist, topic leader at ifeu - Institute for Energy and Environmental Research Heidelberg, Berlin office
  • 2014: 1st prize at the ‘loud nobody prize for political poetry IV’
  • 2015: wing stuff. Loud, list and robbery poems by Lars-Arvid Brischke & Rainer Stolz. Graphics by Annette Kuhl. CD & booklet.
  • 2019: 1st prize at the Feldkirch Poetry Prize
  • 2020: Poetry volume ‘wer fällt schon aus der welt’
  • 2023: Wilderness in the experimental laboratory. Simultan (poesie by Lars-Arvid Brischke, Silke Peters, Christian Vater, T.G. Vömel.

Language: German
Additional information


We do apologize that the following information is currently only available in German.
Participating artists
Elke Cremer
Katinka Theis
Lars-Arvid Brischke
Rainer Stolz
March 2025