Scheinbar Varieté
Quite possibly the smallest cabaret in Germany
Scheinbar Varieté is your chance to laugh with German star comedians of tomorrow.
Tucked away on an ordinary residential street, Scheinbar Varieté proves to be anything but inconspicuous. The red clown's nose and top hat on the exterior are not overstating the promise: at least four days a week, this small stage in Schöneberg hosts stand-up, cabaret, chanson, acrobatics, clowning, and much more.
All in the comforts of home with space for just 60 spectators. The stage is exactly four metres by three. It's like having a comedian in your home lounge. As you might expect, show up early if you want to get in to that night's performance or, better yet, reserve your tickets in advance by calling.
The Berlin boom in performance art
In the early 1980s, performance art was the latest trend in West Berlin. Scheinbar Varieté was opened in 1984 by members of Berlin's school for the performing arts. It gained a large fan base with its open stage concept, where acts were given a max of seven minutes to perform for the discerning audience. Old hands at comedy and newcomers both turned out to refine their acts, with a different presenter taking the lead each week. And, as you can imagine, the audience, especially those in the first couple of rows, would get drawn into the act. It is exactly this spontaneity that makes every performance special.
In addition, solo shows and monthly specials have kept Scheinbar Varieté going strong for over three decades. It's been the launch pad for such renowned German comedians as Kurt Krömer, Michael Mittermeyer, Eckart von Hirschhausen, Mario Barth, and even Meret Becker.