Neukladow manor house
Bismarck’s mother’s small castle at Havelufer.
The Spandau district of Kladow also has a small castle, or rather a small “manor house”. Popular with many Berliners, you can reach it from Wansee S-Bahn station by a Berlin Public Transport passenger ferry (for the normal bus and local railway fare) taking 20 minutes across Großer Wannsee lake. Once you get to Kladow, the most popular destinations are the many cafés and restaurants there. However, if you decide to have a stroll, then you can walk directly from the jetty, soon reaching a spacious park directly on the banks of Wannsee and the Havel. The Neukladow manor house, built in 1800 is located in the centre of the park. This was where the mother of the subsequent Reich Chancellor (Prime Minister), Otto von Bismarck, once lived. The Neukladow manor house, situated on the banks of the Havel, was used by a workers’ charity after the Second World War, and then stood empty for many years. A few years ago, three private owners under the guidance of the district authority took care of the small castle and renovated the complex on a voluntary basis. Today it is also used by the Guthmann Academy for cultural events. In addition, a small excursion restaurant has opened, which is open daily.