"Freedom is always for those who are different"
Marion Brasch on the development of Berlin
Marion Brasch is a radio journalist and writer. She was present at the big demonstrations in East Berlin. Nevertheless, the fall of the Wall took her by surprise. In this interview, she talks about what Berlin means to her, how the city has changed and how she has experienced freedom here.
The video is one of several interviews with contemporary witnesses conducted by visitBerlin to mark the 35th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. The interviewee is Marion Brasch, a radio journalist and writer. She took part in the demonstrations before the fall of the Wall, but the fall of the Wall came as a surprise to her. In addition to the interview situation, historical material from rbb is shown. The visitBerlin logo can be seen in the top right-hand corner. The video's subtitles can be switched on and off in the YouTube player under settings. For a transcription, the video should be viewed directly on YouTube.