Podesthelden is an offer for children from 2 to 6 years. Singing together, painting, rhyming, crafting and much more.
Podesthelden picture book cinema: Crow
Kräh, the crow is black, pitch black. Everyone is afraid of him. But Crow has a plan.
- Free admission, no registration required
- Wednesday, 05.02.2025, 16:30
Podesthelden picture book cinema: The kissing crocodile
Tintin can't fall asleep at night because he hears animals growling, scratching and snarling. And indeed, one animal after another emerges from the corners of his room: the story pig, the tiger, the cuddly buffalo and finally the friendly kissing crocodile.
- Free admission, no registration required
- Wednesday, 05.03.2025, 16:30
Podesthelden picture book cinema: Borst vom Forst
Borst has never found anything so special. He listens. It rustles. Borst changes his ear. Then he sniffs. The snail smells like the opposite. A poetic story that tells of how even a small wild boar can reach the sea if it really wants to.
- Free admission, no registration required.
- Wednesday, 07.05.2025, 16:30
ABC-Piraten is a programme for pre-school children, welcome children and children of first reading age from 5 - 7 years.
ABC Pirates picture book movie: Little Red Riding Hood doesn't feel like it
Once again, the wolf has woken up alone in his cave. He is hungry and feels bitter. He has learned from his grandmother: If you feel bitter, you have to eat a sweet child! No sooner said than done. The wolf lies in wait and after a short time a girl comes along the path. She is wearing a red cap and carrying a basket of presents: She is in a very, very bad mood...
- Free admission, no registration required.
- Wednesday, 19.02.2025, 16:30
ABC Pirates picture book cinema: Spider alarm
Yikes! A spider!!! You've probably heard this cry before, right? Spiders can be found in all kinds of places, and they come in many different shapes and colors. In addition to lots of exciting and funny facts about spiders, this book also reveals the ultimate spider disappearing trick!
- Free admission, no registration required
- Wednesday, 19.03.2025, 16:30
ABC Pirates picture book cinema: Billy with the bamboo legs
Billy is also very special! Billy has such long legs, he's not happy about it! He would much rather have wings like the red beetle or a stinger like Rachel the wasp...
- Free admission, no registration required
- Wednesday, 21.05.2025, 16:30
Location: Bibliothek am Wasserturm
Prenzlauer Allee 227-228
10405 Berlin
(Program in German)