A brief history of low brass instruments
Whether in a symphony orchestra or a brass band, the tuba is an irreplaceable part of the ensemble. But why is this instrument so important?
The bass instruments form the foundation of the orchestra. Low woodwind instruments such as the bassoon are rather quiet compared to other instrument groups. This is why the low brass instruments are of particular importance.
As orchestras and military bands grew in size, the demands on bass instruments also changed from the late 18th century onwards. Numerous new developments were made to increase the sound volume and carrying capacity. Instrument makers found the creative use of large instruments very appealing, especially as changes in scale length were particularly noticeable in the sound.
Today, the name of one development is synonymous with the bass in the brass register: the tuba. The exhibition invites to trace these developments and explore the various designs of the tuba and its predecessors.
Additional information
Price info: Area ticket Kulturforum: 12,00 €
Price: €6.00
Reduced price: €3.00
Reduced price info: Area ticket Kulturforum: € 6.00
Children under 18: free admission.