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Best of Klaviator

It's time to give everything, hold nothing back. Only when the last love song has been played, when the last punchline has shook your diaphragm, when the last note has died and the last syllable spoken, when all the women's stories have been confessed, when all the men have been exposed, all the pets have been set to music, when all the politicians have been professionally dismantled , when the last word has been spoken and the last note has faded away, then you will see that no wish has remained unfulfilled - and not a dry eye.

You can watch Reichow reading his own wishes from his lips. There has never been so much BEST in one programme. Language and music have never been connected in a more pianistic way. Never has there been so much gasping for air as in this program.

Lars Reichow, the multiple award winner, radio and television presenter, shows the full range of his artistic potential as a cabaret artist, comedian, pianist and singer. And he shows attitude: clear words against nationalism, racism and a commitment to cosmopolitan thinking and acting. An entertaining and enjoyable evening.

Lars Reichow and his Best of program "Request Concert" - a very good reason to deal with reality.

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