Exhibition in the Schlossremise
For the first time, the art-historically significant collection of Berlin's magnificent sleds, carriages and sedans of the Prussian royal family from the late 17th to the end of the 18th century is brought together in an exhibition.
Originating from the Prussian royal stables, the carriages, sledges and sedans were on display at the Hohenzollern Museum in Monbijou Castle until 1942. Despite outsourcing during the Second World War, some of the damage was considerable and can still be seen today. There are also some farm and transport vehicles on display. The exhibition thus conveys a broadly diversified picture of the artistic and technical construction of wagons, whose history is documented as well as that of the Prussian Marstall Collections.
Additional information
Normal price: 6.00
Reduced price: 5.00
conditionally barrier-free