Exploring Berlin's neighbourhoods by wheelchair
Using the online tool wheelmap.org, Sozialhelden e.V. has come up with a varied tour of discovery for people exploring the city with a wheelchair. The tour takes you to some of the most popular places in the districts of Kreuzberg, Mitte and Neukölln, offering plenty of fresh air, delicious food, amazing views, arts, culture and colourful nightlife. What aren't on the tour: insurmountable barriers! So everyone can participate, including people travelling with wheelchairs or walking aids and parents with prams.
Who will find the route useful? Curious people, both young and young at heart, who are looking for a varied programme as well as Berliners and visitors who want to see something new. When is the route most useful? Every day, although it's nicer when it's not raining. Length? One day Cost? Depends on what you choose to eat. Otherwise, the cost of an AB day pass on Berlin's transport network and admission fees.
Exploring Berlin's neighbourhoods by wheelchair
The tour gets started at 9 o'clock at the Admiralbrücke in Kreuzberg. The somewhat bumpy Uferweg will take you along the Landwehr Canal to Kaffee A.Horn for a delicious breakfast to start the day.
Kaffee A. Horn, Carl-Herz-Ufer 9 / Baerwaldstraße, 10961 Berlin-Kreuzberg
10:15 Take the M41 from the nearby Urbanstraße/Baerwaldstraße stop to the Potsdamer Platz S- and U-Bahn station (11 minutes). There you can ascend 100 metres into the sky and enjoy the views over Berlin at Panoramapunkt.
Panoramapunkt, Potsdamer Platz 1, 10785 Berlin
11:00 Hop on the M41 bus towards Sonnenallee/Baumschulenstraße for one stop and get off at Abgeordnetenhaus. The nearby Martin-Gropius-Bau hosts a continuously changing series of art exhibitions. The building is wheelchair accessible, has lifts and wheelchair-accessible toilets, and the café is also reachable without any steps.
Martin-Gropius-Bau, Niederkirchnerstraße 7, 10963 Berlin
1:30 Hop on the M41 bus back to Kreuzberg, getting off at the Gräfestraße stop (journey time about 15 minutes). Die Weltküche is a restaurant offering dishes from around the world at very reasonable prices. It is operated by the non-profit Gräfewirtschaft association, founded and run by migrants to the German capital. There are steps at the entrance, but a ramp is available. And once you're inside, there is also a wheelchair-accessible toilet.
Die Weltküche, Gräfestraße 18, 10967 Berlin-Kreuzberg
3:00 After lunch: Take Gräfestrasse towards Urbanstraße and turn into Hasenheide. Passing the mini-golf course and petting zoo, stay on the main path towards Columbiadamm (about 900 metres, with an incline).
Volkspark Hasenheide, Berlin-Neukölln
At the end of the main path, cross Columbiadamm and head onto the pathway to Tempelhofer Feld to your left next to the entrance to the Sommerbad. Tempelhofer Feld is the former Tempelhof airfield and is now a public space shared with kite surfers, cyclists, walkers and urban gardeners: a space that's truly unique to Berlin.
Tempelhofer Feld, Berlin-Tempelhof.
4:30 Take the Herrfurthstraße exit from Tempelhofer Feld. Now we're heading over to the trendy Schillerkiez. On Herrfurthplatz, check out Mo’s Eisley offering extraordinary ice cream delights, especially great on a warm summer's day.
Mo's Eisley, Herrfurthplatz 6, 12049 Berlin-Neukölln
Head to the Boddinstraße U-Bahn station (but do not enter) and take bus 104 from there towards Eichenstraße/Puschkinallee. In about six minutes, get off at the U Rathaus Neukölln bus stop. At the intersection of Karl-Marx-Straße and Flughafenstraße, it's time to head up again to the rooftop terrace of the Klunkerkranich in the Neukölln Arcaden! Take the lift to the 6th floor, then a ramp will guide you to the bar. This is a great spot to chill, enjoy the atmosphere, drink something refreshing and have a snack as you enjoy relaxed electro music or the events offered by the bar with fab views above the city's rooftops.
Der Klunkerkranich, Karl-Marx-Str. 66, 12043 Berlin
8:00 Looking for something alternative to do to end the night? Then head over to Südblock! Cross Karl-Marx-Straße and turn into Fuldastraße where you'll catch Bus M41 back towards Hauptbahnhof. Get off at the Körtestraße stop. Then head right into the leafy Grimmstraße, across the Admiralbrücke over to Südblock, a colourful venue dedicated to the alternative scene and always full of surprises. The programme features concerts, parties and readings until the wee hours.
Südblock, Admiralstr. 1-2, 10999 Berlin-Kreuzberg.
About Wheelmap: Wheelmap helps users find wheelchair-accessible locations. Like Wikipedia, anyone can contribute knowledge about accessible places around the world. The information empowers people to plan their day better and more easily participate in public life. Wheelmap.org has been in existence since 2010 and is a project of SOZIALHELDEN e.V.