The permanent exhibition Printing Technology is a lively place of learning with hands-on exhibits, multimedia offerings and demonstrations. Covering 200 square metres, it illustrates the development of printing techniques since the innovations of Johannes Gutenberg in the mid-15th century.
The exhibition focuses on hand and machine typesetting and its various printing processes and presents the five main themes of type production and typesetting as well as printing fonts, images and characters. Large-format showcases with a variety of exhibits such as type specimens, printing forms and tools demonstrate the complexity and versatility of printing techniques. The four main printing processes - relief, intaglio, planographic and through-printing - are presented using examples.
The history of printing technology also includes printing processes for typefaces and illustrations that people can read by touch. The exhibition takes up these innovations and offers many tactile graphics, exhibits and specially made objects. In addition, there are unabridged Braille inscriptions in German and audio stations. The exhibition thus opens up a diverse experience for sighted, blind and visually impaired visitors.