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Want good music that makes you homesick and wanderlust in equal measure? Then enjoy an evening with this two musicians and you will be blown away, in german: you will be "Hin und weg". The title of this musical road trip refers to that german expression that has a double meaning. It‘s a pun about the enthusiasm with which you will be blown away by so many good songs from a wide range of genres from Latin, Jazz, german Folk Song, cheeky Couplet, Blues, World Music up to Classic stuff, but the show is literally also about going away and getting somewhere which is the second meaning of „hin und weg“.

When you travel or leave your home, you may hit a path („Weg“) where you don't know exactly where it leads („hin“), and from the perspective of those left behind, you are gone („weg“).

USA, Mexico, Transylvania, Hessen, Berlin - this is where the stories happen that Marianne Blum tells. She has lived in or traveled to these places, mostly alone. This is when you have the greatest chance of getting to know people and yourself. The Berlin artist brought with her incredible, heartbreaking, bizarre and hilarious encounters, a broad perspective and wonderful music.

Her congenial stage partner, the Mexican guitarist Carlos Corona, who also lives in Berlin, not only accompanies the excellent singer with a stunning stage presence, but also brings homesickness and wanderlust to life through his music.

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