© Staatsoper Unter den Linden, Foto: Gordon Welters Concerts à Berlin Les plus beaux concerts et spectacles
© visitBerlin, Foto: Philip Koschel Billets & activités sur la guerre froide & le mur de Berlin Visites guidées, expositions sur l'histoire & plus
History © DDR Museum History 14.02.2025 – 17.10.2025 Playful GDR - toy classics from the East Playful GDR - toy classics from the East History 14.02.2025 – 17.10.2025 Playful GDR - toy classics from the East The GDR was known for its diverse toy production, which originated primarily in the Erzgebirge, Thuringian Forest and Berlin-Brandenburg regions. After the nationalization of many companies in 1972, production was increasingly centralized, and in 1980 the toy… Lire la suite Free of charge History of the GDR Children Emplacement DDR Museum Berlin DDR Museum Berlin Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 1 10178 Berlin Heure 09:00 https://www.ddr-museum.de
Lecture © NASA EPIC Team Lecture 14.02.2025 + 12 additional dates Raumschiff Erde Raumschiff Erde Lecture 14.02.2025 + 12 additional dates Raumschiff Erde With a countdown, the planetarium spaceship takes off and the audience hurtles into space. Who has ever seen from space how the earth flies around the sun? Here, the audience gets to know the sunlit day side of the Earth as well as the dark night side with the… Lire la suite science Children Emplacement Zeiss-Großplanetarium Zeiss-Großplanetarium Heure 09:30 https://www.planetarium.berlin/veranstaltungen/raumschiff-erde
Top événement Congress Affichage © Bitkom Servicegesellschaft mbH Top événement Congress 19.03.2025 – 20.03.2025 TRANSFORM 2025 TRANSFORM 2025 Top événement Congress 19.03.2025 – 20.03.2025 TRANSFORM 2025 Erleben Sie auf der TRANSFORM am 19. & 20. März 2025 in Berlin, wie Technologien aus allen Bereichen der Digitalen Transformation unser Leben revolutionieren. Sichern Sie sich mit dem Code TF25_VB20 20 % Rabatt auf Ihr Ticket. Lire la suite Digital offers and live streams Emplacement STATION Berlin STATION Berlin Luckenwalder Straße 4-6 10963 Berlin https://transform.show/konzept?utm_source=VisitBerlin&utm_medium=Medienpartner Billets & Dates
Art © Alex Müller | Grafik: Bernhard Rose Art 01.02.2025 – 30.04.2025 Alex Müller – Alexandraplatz Alex Müller – Alexandraplatz Art 01.02.2025 – 30.04.2025 Alex Müller – Alexandraplatz Interwoven into a wide-ranging network of autobiographical references, Alex Müller has developed a fascinating presentation of painterly, sculptural and installation works in her first institutional solo exhibition in Berlin. Lire la suite Contemporary Art Spandau Emplacement Zitadelle Berlin Zitadelle Berlin Heure 10:00 https://www.zitadelle-berlin.de/ev_exhibition/alexandraplatz/
Workshop © visitBerlin, Foto: Wolfgang Scholvien Workshop 14.02.2025 – 24.02.2025 „Dear Democracy, …“ „Dear Democracy, …“ Workshop 14.02.2025 – 24.02.2025 „Dear Democracy, …“ Since the Correctiv research in 2023, it has been known that democratic values must be defended on a daily basis. In times of political turmoil, when society's liberal democratic values are under attack, more than ever. In the run-up to the federal elections… Lire la suite Free of charge Politics & Society Emplacement Bauhaus-Archiv Bauhaus-Archiv the temporary bauhaus-archiv / museum für gestaltung, Knesebeckstraße 1 10623 Berlin Heure 10:00 https://www.bauhaus.de/de/kalender/veranstaltungen/9830_2025_02_14_2025_02_15_2025_02_17_2025_02_18_2025_02_19_2025_02_20_2025_02_21_2025_02_22_2025_02_24_liebe_demokratie
Top événement Show Affichage © HOLIDAY ON ICE Top événement Show 28.02.2025 – 16.03.2025 A Spectacle You Can't Miss! A Spectacle You Can't Miss! Top événement Show 28.02.2025 – 16.03.2025 A Spectacle You Can't Miss! Join us as a city comes alive on ice! Experience the brand-new HOLIDAY ON ICE Show HORIZONS featuring breathtaking performances, daring stunts, and impressive acrobatics that will leave you in awe. Don't miss out - get your tickets now! Lire la suite Accessible Events Emplacement Tempodrom Tempodrom Möckernstraße 10 10963 Berlin https://www.eventim.de/eventseries/3562173/?affiliate=HDY&utm_source=visitberlin&utm_medium=dp_nl&utm_campaign=hoi.horizons.dp.visitberlin.nl&utm_content=berlin Billets & Dates
Architecture & Design © atelier le balto Architecture & Design 14.02.2025 – 30.12.2025 RESPIRATION RESPIRATION Architecture & Design 14.02.2025 – 30.12.2025 RESPIRATION Since 2001, the Berlin-based landscape architecture firm atelier le balto has stood for a special approach to open spaces and landscapes. The exhibition "RESPIRATION" in the Kunstgewerbemuseum provides an insight into 25 years of creative landscape design. It… Lire la suite Sustainability International Emplacement Kulturforum - Kunstgewerbemuseum Kulturforum - Kunstgewerbemuseum Johanna und Eduard Arnhold Platz (ehem. Matthäikirchplatz) 10785 Berlin Heure 10:00 http://www.smb.museum/ausstellungen/detail.html?tx_smb_pi1%5BexhibitionSmartId%5D=85616
Art © Joāo Freitas Art 13.12.2024 – 08.06.2025 Transformation Paper Transformation Paper Art 13.12.2024 – 08.06.2025 Transformation Paper The eighth exhibition at the Haus des Papiers showcases the works of the 2024 residency participants of the Paper Residency! program and complements these with pieces from the collection as well as a special presentation featuring positions from the Paper… Lire la suite Contemporary Art Emplacement Haus des Papiers Haus des Papiers Heure 10:00 https://www.hausdespapiers.com/
Top événement Musicals Affichage © Zheng Tianran Top événement Musicals 04.03.2025 – 06.04.2025 ELISABETH - The Musical ELISABETH - The Musical Top événement Musicals 04.03.2025 – 06.04.2025 ELISABETH - The Musical From 04.03. - 06.04.2025 at the Theater des Westens you can look forward to powerful music, opulent costumes and rousing choreography and experience the captivating story of Empress Elisabeth of Austria in this thrilling performance. Lire la suite Accessible Events Emplacement Stage Theater des Westens Stage Theater des Westens Kantstraße 12 10623 Berlin https://www.eventim.de/artist/elisabeth-in-der-gefeierten-schoenbrunn-version/?affiliate=VB1&cityname=Berlin Billets & Dates
Exhibitions © Stiftung Humboldt im Berliner Schloss / Foto: Alexander Schippel Exhibitions 20.07.2021 – 31.12.2025 Palace Cellar - History of the Site Palace Cellar - History of the Site Exhibitions 20.07.2021 – 31.12.2025 Palace Cellar - History of the Site Here you will find the first traces of the site’s history. The archaeological cellar, the only surviving part of the original Berlin Palace, takes you on a tour from the middle ages to the present day. Lire la suite History permanent exhibition Free of charge Accessible Events Emplacement Humboldt Forum Humboldt Forum Schloßplatz 10178 Berlin Heure 10:30 https://www.humboldtforum.org
Guided Tour © visumate Guided Tour 14.02.2025 + 44 additional dates Berlin’s History of Sex Berlin’s History of Sex Guided Tour 14.02.2025 + 44 additional dates Berlin’s History of Sex Experience Berlin's most sexual and exciting era: the Golden Twenties. From nudism to kinks and fetishes, from the sex museum to shocking nightclubs: The Roaring Twenties in Berlin will let you discover forms of sexuality that you never thought possible! Shock… Lire la suite The roaring twenties in Berlin History LGBTI Emplacement Schloss Bellevue Schloss Bellevue Heure 11:00 https://berlinguide.de/explore-berlins-history-of-sex-in-augmented-reality/ Acheter les billets
Top événement Art Affichage © Dennis Peqas Top événement Art 19.10.2024 – 30.03.2025 Stadtbad RELOADED: AMBILIGHT Stadtbad RELOADED: AMBILIGHT Top événement Art 19.10.2024 – 30.03.2025 Stadtbad RELOADED: AMBILIGHT Lost Place meets Digital Art - explore a 96-year-old swimming pool with over 150 digital works of art and a 63,000 LED light installation. An unforgettable adventure for young and old. Average length of stay: 90 minutes. Lire la suite Berlin's neighbourhoods Contemporary Art Emplacement Stadtbad Lichtenberg Stadtbad Lichtenberg Hubertusstraße 47 10365 Berlin https://www.stadtbadreloaded.de/?source=bde Billets & Dates
Opera © visitberlin, Foto Wolfgang Scholvien Opera 14.02.2025 + 3 additional dates Der Freischütz für Kinder Der Freischütz für Kinder Opera 14.02.2025 + 3 additional dates Der Freischütz für Kinder A schoolyard game: Max has no chance against Kilian and is tossed off the team. Now it will be hard to see Agathe, in whom he has fallen in love. Later, Caspar from his group follows him and promises him a magic potion that will make everything better. Lire la suite Children City of music Emplacement Staatsoper Unter den Linden Staatsoper Unter den Linden Heure 11:00 https://www.staatsoper-berlin.de/de/veranstaltungen/der-freischuetz-fuer-kinder.15536/
Guided Tour © Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss, Foto: Alexander Schippel Guided Tour 14.02.2025 + 6 additional dates Just a facade? Architecture tour in English Just a facade? Architecture tour in English Guided Tour 14.02.2025 + 6 additional dates Just a facade? Architecture tour in English The tour of the interior and exterior provides an insight into Franco Stella's architecture, his models and his combination of old and new. The contrasting formal language of baroque and contemporary architecture is just as much a topic as the eventful history… Lire la suite Accessible Events Führung im Museum History Emplacement Humboldt Forum - Foyer Humboldt Forum - Foyer Heure 11:00 – 12:00 https://www.humboldtforum.org/de/programm/termin/fuehrung/just-a-facade-30165/ Acheter les billets
Top événement Theatre Affichage © Alex Huber Top événement Theatre 16.02.2025 – 12.06.2025 The chicken lies The chicken lies Top événement Theatre 16.02.2025 – 12.06.2025 The chicken lies How does exclusion work? You were turned into a chicken. How did that happen? Nobody knows anymore. Something happened and everyone laughed. A PTZ camera is used to show the scenic surroundings and the group dynamics of a school class. Lire la suite Children Accessible Events Emplacement ATZE Musiktheater ATZE Musiktheater Luxemburger Straße 20 13353 Berlin https://atzeberlin.de/repertoire/das-huhn-luegt/?source=bde Billets & Dates
Theatre © Promo Theatre 14.02.2025 + 14 additional dates We're taking the night back We're taking the night back Theatre 14.02.2025 + 14 additional dates We're taking the night back Kaja and IIvy - two girls like sisters. They grow up in the same house and discover first love, parties - and drugs. The friendship reaches its limits as Kaja slips further into the drug swamp and IIvy's rescue attempts fail. When Kaja disappears from a party… Lire la suite Teenager Emplacement Theater Strahl Probebühne (Kulturhaus Schöneberg) Theater Strahl Probebühne (Kulturhaus Schöneberg) Heure 11:00 Acheter les billets
Lecture © tic / Friedel Kantaut Lecture 14.02.2025 + 7 additional dates Unendliche Weiten (Infinite expanses) Unendliche Weiten (Infinite expanses) Lecture 14.02.2025 + 7 additional dates Unendliche Weiten (Infinite expanses) Experience the beginning of our universe 13.7 billion years ago and watch how structures, stars and galaxies are formed. The universe is very dynamic: stars live and die, galaxies are born, collide with others and merge - a constant coming and going. Lire la suite science Teenager Accessible Events Emplacement Zeiss-Großplanetarium Zeiss-Großplanetarium Heure 11:00 https://www.planetarium.berlin/veranstaltungen/unendliche-weiten
Top événement Exhibitions Affichage © DeJa Vu Museum Berlin Top événement Exhibitions 23.06.2023 – 31.12.2025 DeJa Vu Museum Berlin DeJa Vu Museum Berlin Top événement Exhibitions 23.06.2023 – 31.12.2025 DeJa Vu Museum Berlin A unique experience with wow moments awaits you at the Museum of Optical Illusions at Alexanderplatz. Celebrate a feast for the senses, take cool photos and marvel at amazing effects. Lire la suite Children Emplacement Deja Vu Museum Deja Vu Museum Rochstraße 14c 10178 Berlin https://dejavumuseum.de/?source=bde Billets & Dates
Exhibitions © DFM Berlin 2021 - Exponat Mongolische Mary Exhibitions Continuous event DISGUSTING FOOD MUSEUM BERLIN DISGUSTING FOOD MUSEUM BERLIN Exhibitions Continuous event DISGUSTING FOOD MUSEUM BERLIN What is delicious for one person can be repulsive for another. Disgust is a very basic human emotion. The DISGUSTING FOOD MUSEUM BERLIN presents more than 90 extraordinary food exhibits from all over the world in its permanent exhibition. Lire la suite Events for foodies permanent exhibition Emplacement DISGUSTING FOOD MUSEUM BERLIN DISGUSTING FOOD MUSEUM BERLIN SCHÜTZENSTRASSE 70 10117 Berlin Heure 12:00 https://disgustingfoodmuseum.berlin/
Lectures & Readings © Stiftung Berliner Mauer, Gesa Simons Lectures & Readings 14.02.2025 + 52 additional dates Language café Language café Lectures & Readings 14.02.2025 + 52 additional dates Language café Every Friday from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m., people from Marienfelde meet at the language café in the museum. Over coffee, tea and snacks, old and new neighbors come together in a cozy and informal atmosphere, get to know each other and exchange ideas. People who want… Lire la suite Free of charge Emplacement Erinnerungsstätte Notaufnahmelager Marienfelde e.V. Erinnerungsstätte Notaufnahmelager Marienfelde e.V. Heure 12:00 – 14:00 https://www.stiftung-berliner-mauer.de/de/notaufnahmelager-marienfelde/besuch/programm
Top événement Comedy Affichage © Maulhelden Top événement Comedy 05.03.2025 21st Political Aschermittwoch 21st Political Aschermittwoch Top événement Comedy 05.03.2025 21st Political Aschermittwoch The annual concentrated load of satire. With the brilliant Katie Freudenschuss, Bielefeld's Abdelkarim, anarcho-comedy from Fil, bite from Andreas Rebers. Death forgets no one. Presented by Arnulf Rating. Band of the evening: The Gabys! Lire la suite Accessible Events Politics & Society Emplacement Konzertsaal der UdK Berlin Konzertsaal der UdK Berlin Heure 20:00 https://aschermittwoch-berlin.de/?source=bde Billets & Dates