© Staatsoper Unter den Linden, Foto: Gordon Welters Conciertos en Berlín Los mejores conciertos y espectáculos
© visitBerlin, Foto: Philip Koschel Entradas y actividades sobre la Guerra Fría y el Muro de Berlín Visitas, exposiciones sobre la historia y más
© visitBerlin, Foto: Dirk Mathesius Museos en Berlín Desde la Isla de los Museos hasta el Museo de la RDA
List viewList viewMap viewMap view Top evento Family © Jüdisches Museum Berlin, Foto: Yves Sucksdorff Top evento Family Continuous event ANOHA ANOHA Top evento Family Continuous event ANOHA ANOHA takes the story of Noah from the Torah as its starting point for a journey into the future. At the center of the children's museum is a gigantic ark, 150 different animals - and the children themselves. Leer más Children permanent exhibition Ubicación ANOHA Kinderwelt des Jüdischen Museums Berlin ANOHA Kinderwelt des Jüdischen Museums Berlin Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohnplatz 110969 Berlin Hora 09:00 https://anoha.de/ Comprar billetes Family © Aquarium Berlin Family Continuous event Aquarium Berlin Aquarium Berlin Family Continuous event Aquarium Berlin The Aquarium Berlin is one of the most famous aquariums in Europe. From colorful reef inhabitants to impressive sharks, from gardening ants to fascinating giant snakes - behind historical facades mysterious, curious and monstrous creatures are waiting to be… Leer más Children Teenager Ubicación Aquarium Berlin Aquarium Berlin Budapester Straße 32 10787 Berlin Hora 09:00 https://www.aquarium-berlin.de/de Comprar billetes Family © LEGOLAND Discovery Centre Deutschland GmbH Family Continuous event LEGOLAND® Discovery Center Berlin LEGOLAND® Discovery Center Berlin Family Continuous event LEGOLAND® Discovery Center Berlin The LEGOLAND Discovery Centre is the ultimate indoor LEGO playground for families with children aged 3-10. Young LEGO fans can expect over 5 million LEGO bricks spread over 11 play areas. All stones, all colors, many themes! Leer más Children Teenager Ubicación Legoland Discovery Centre Legoland Discovery Centre Potsdamer Straße 4 10785 Berlin Hora 10:00 https://www.legolanddiscoverycentre.com/berlin/ Comprar billetes Family © Promo Family 20.02.2025 + 43 additional dates Platypus Theater Platypus Theater Family 20.02.2025 + 43 additional dates Platypus Theater Platypus, the Berlin Children's and Youth Theater develops and produces English-language or bilingual plays for children and young people as an independent theater group. Leer más Children Ubicación BKA Theater BKA Theater Hora 11:00 https://www.bka-theater.de/content_start.php?id=16 Family © www.Planetarium.Berlin Family 20.02.2025 + 6 additional dates Der Traumzauberbaum Der Traumzauberbaum Family 20.02.2025 + 6 additional dates Der Traumzauberbaum The Planetarium Berlin Foundation presents the cult musical "Der Traumzauberbaum" ("The Dream Magic Tree") by Reinhard Lakomy and Monika Ehrhardt-Lakomy in 360-degree fulldome technology with loving visualisations and animations based on the original… Leer más Children City of music Ubicación Zeiss-Großplanetarium Zeiss-Großplanetarium Hora 15:30 https://www.planetarium.berlin/traumzauberbaum Family © Bild: Ines Schulze Family 20.02.2025 Picture Book Cinema Picture Book Cinema Family 20.02.2025 Picture Book Cinema The Kurt Tucholsky Library is showing a picture book cinema in the event room. Be surprised by the stories they have in store for you. Leer más Children Literature Free of charge Ubicación Kurt-Tucholsky-Bibliothek Kurt-Tucholsky-Bibliothek Hora 16:00 https://www.berlin.de/stadtbibliothek-pankow/bibliotheken/kurt-tucholsky-bibliothek/veranstaltungen/ Family © Bild: Ines Schulze Family 20.02.2025 + 5 additional dates Picture Book Cinema / Kamishibai Picture Book Cinema / Kamishibai Family 20.02.2025 + 5 additional dates Picture Book Cinema / Kamishibai Come along and enjoy picture book cinema or Kamishibai and lots of stories. The picture book cinema is designed to promote the reading motivation and language development of nursery and school children up to 4th grade. It is based on a media package consisting… Leer más Children Teenager Free of charge Ubicación Janusz-Korczak-Bibliothek Janusz-Korczak-Bibliothek Hora 16:30 https://www.berlin.de/stadtbibliothek-pankow/bibliotheken/janusz-korczak-bibliothek/veranstaltungen/ Family © Bild: Stadtbibliothek Pankow Family 21.02.2025 + 18 additional dates Picture Book Cinema / Kamishibai Picture Book Cinema / Kamishibai Family 21.02.2025 + 18 additional dates Picture Book Cinema / Kamishibai There is a picture book cinema or kamishibai for children aged 4 and over. Leer más Children Free of charge Ubicación Bettina-von-Arnim-Bibliothek Bettina-von-Arnim-Bibliothek Hora 16:30 https://www.berlin.de/stadtbibliothek-pankow/bibliotheken/bettina-von-arnim-bibliothek/veranstaltungen/ Family © Bianca Sprotte Family 21.02.2025 + 8 additional dates Game night in the library Game night in the library Family 21.02.2025 + 8 additional dates Game night in the library Game night in the library Hey gamers! Leer más Free of charge Ubicación Bezirkszentralbibliothek "Mark Twain" Bezirkszentralbibliothek "Mark Twain" Hora 17:00 Family © Anna Wyszomierska Family 21.02.2025 + 3 additional dates SIEGFRIED & JOY - Las Vegas for Children — The magic show for the whole family SIEGFRIED & JOY - Las Vegas for Children — The magic show for the whole family Family 21.02.2025 + 3 additional dates SIEGFRIED & JOY - Las Vegas for Children — The magic show for the whole family Fabulous tricks, amazing stories and lots of charm, wit and love for magic: Siegfried & Joy's performances show that magic is anything but dusty, but is great fun. Leer más Children Ubicación Heimathafen Neukölln Heimathafen Neukölln Hora 17:00 https://heimathafen-neukoelln.de/events/siegfried-joy-2025/ Comprar billetes Family © Frederike van der Straeten Family 22.02.2025 + 3 additional dates Interactive concert: “Ri-ra-rutsch” Interactive concert: “Ri-ra-rutsch” Family 22.02.2025 + 3 additional dates Interactive concert: “Ri-ra-rutsch” At the participatory concerts for children aged 3 and over, the close proximity of music, dance and rhythm makes all the fibers of the body vibrate. Each concert is dedicated to different instruments, played by members of the Berlin Philharmonic or the Karajan… Leer más Children Classic music in Berlin City of music Ubicación Philharmonie Berlin - Kammermusiksaal (Foyer) Philharmonie Berlin - Kammermusiksaal (Foyer) Hora 10:00 https://www.berliner-philharmoniker.de/konzerte/kalender/55775 Family © GSI Music (2022) Family 22.02.2025 + 5 additional dates Bébé Symphonique Bébé Symphonique Family 22.02.2025 + 5 additional dates Bébé Symphonique With "Bébé Symphonique" parents can immerse themselves in a colorful universe of colors and shapes with their babies and toddlers - without any seating restrictions. Leer más Children City of music Ubicación Zeiss-Großplanetarium Zeiss-Großplanetarium Hora 10:30 https://www.planetarium.berlin/veranstaltungen/bebe-symphonique Family © czyk Labor Family 15.02.2025 – 23.02.2025 Simply Play Simply Play Family 15.02.2025 – 23.02.2025 Simply Play Samstag und Sonntag, jeweils 11-14 Uhr und 15-18 Uhr At this gaming event, "Just Play," the name says it all. Leer más Children Ubicación Freizeit- und Erholungszentrum Wuhlheide (FEZ) Freizeit- und Erholungszentrum Wuhlheide (FEZ) Hora 11:00 – 14:00 https://fez-berlin.de/programm/detailansicht/einfach-spielen-winteredition Comprar billetes Family © Zeichnung: D. Pommer Family 22.02.2025 + 10 additional dates Stups, die kleine Sternschnuppe Stups, die kleine Sternschnuppe Family 22.02.2025 + 10 additional dates Stups, die kleine Sternschnuppe Stups is a little shooting star who lost her home, the comet Rasefix, when it once orbited far too closely around the sun. Since then, she has been looking for a new home, but she doesn't know where to start. Leer más Children Ubicación Archenhold-Sternwarte Archenhold-Sternwarte Hora 12:30 https://www.planetarium.berlin/veranstaltungen/stups-die-kleine-sternschnuppe Family © Promo Family 22.02.2025 + 6 additional dates Waschtag bei Familie Clown Waschtag bei Familie Clown Family 22.02.2025 + 6 additional dates Waschtag bei Familie Clown Today is wash day! Karla Clown washes clothes like a clown. Her son Kalle Clown cooks pancakes like a clown. So stained he can not go to daycare, so off into the wash tub! But the nursery is cancelled today and a new clown show with Kalle and Karla Clown is… Leer más Children Ubicación Theater Jaro Theater Jaro Hora 16:00 https://www.theater-jaro.de/ Family © Torben Kuhlmann/NordSüd Verlag Family 23.02.2025 + 6 additional dates Armstrong - A mouse's adventurous journey to the moon Armstrong - A mouse's adventurous journey to the moon Family 23.02.2025 + 6 additional dates Armstrong - A mouse's adventurous journey to the moon The small, inquisitive mouse Armstrong is fascinated by space, especially the moon. On a clear night, he observes it with his little telescope and is eager to learn more about it. The other mice claim it's made of cheese - but Armstrong doesn't believe it. Leer más science Children Ubicación Zeiss-Großplanetarium Zeiss-Großplanetarium Hora 11:00 https://www.planetarium.berlin/veranstaltungen/armstrong-die-abenteuerliche-reise-einer-maus-zum-mond Family © Promo Family 23.02.2025 + 2 additional dates Once upon a time there was a magician Once upon a time there was a magician Family 23.02.2025 + 2 additional dates Once upon a time there was a magician A storyteller begins the story and the curtain opens. An old magician, who experiments with childlike joy, brews miraculous elixirs and, in order to test their effectiveness, tries them out on his sorcerer's apprentice. Leer más Children Teenager Ubicación Pfefferberg - Theater Pfefferberg - Theater Hora 11:00 https://www.coqauvin.de/ Family © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, David von Becker Family 24.09.2023 – 27.12.2026 Group Art4All Family Sunday Group Art4All Family Sunday Family 24.09.2023 – 27.12.2026 Group Art4All Family Sunday The weekly family Sunday Volkswagen Group Art4All Family Sunday at the Hamburger Bahnhof offers open studios, tours, workshops, art laboratories and much more. The Hamburger Bahnhof invites all visitors to discover the museum and art together with the family… Leer más Contemporary Art Children Teenager Ubicación Hamburger Bahnhof - Nationalgalerie der Gegenwart Hamburger Bahnhof - Nationalgalerie der Gegenwart Invalidenstraße 50/51 10557 Berlin Hora 12:00 https://www.smb.museum/veranstaltungen/veranstaltungsreihe/volkswagen-group-art4all-family-sunday/ Family © SPSG / Peter Adamik Family 23.02.2025 + 9 additional dates Glanz und Gloria. Festplanung mit der Kammerzofe Sophie Glanz und Gloria. Festplanung mit der Kammerzofe Sophie Family 23.02.2025 + 9 additional dates Glanz und Gloria. Festplanung mit der Kammerzofe Sophie Queen Luise is receiving a state visit and chambermaid Sophie has a problem: everyone at court must work together and plan a feast befitting the dignity of the distinguished guests. What can the chef, the court dressmaker, the governess and others contribute… Leer más Palaces and Gardens Children Ubicación Schloss Charlottenburg Schloss Charlottenburg Hora 13:00 – 15:30 Family © HO3RRAUM Family 23.02.2025 + 2 additional dates Die drei ??? und die singende Schlange (The three ??? and the singing snake) Die drei ??? und die singende Schlange (The three ??? and the singing snake) Family 23.02.2025 + 2 additional dates Die drei ??? und die singende Schlange (The three ??? and the singing snake) The world's most successful radio play series celebrates its world premiere: "The Three ??? and the Singing Snake" can be experienced for the first time as a 3D radio play in the Zeiss Planetarium. Leer más Literature Children Teenager Ubicación Zeiss-Großplanetarium Zeiss-Großplanetarium Hora 18:15 https://www.planetarium.berlin/veranstaltungen/die-drei-Fragezeichen-und-die-singende-schlange Family © Author Family 24.02.2025 School concert: Terminal Infinity School concert: Terminal Infinity Family 24.02.2025 School concert: Terminal Infinity Terminal Infinity is an audiovisual, performative and immersive installation. Using music, dance and lighting design, it addresses the transition of humans into an increasingly technological world and reflects on the effects of technological progress on… Leer más Classic music in Berlin City of music Ubicación Philharmonie Berlin Philharmonie Berlin Hora 11:00 https://www.berliner-philharmoniker.de/konzerte/kalender/56154
Top evento Family © Jüdisches Museum Berlin, Foto: Yves Sucksdorff Top evento Family Continuous event ANOHA ANOHA Top evento Family Continuous event ANOHA ANOHA takes the story of Noah from the Torah as its starting point for a journey into the future. At the center of the children's museum is a gigantic ark, 150 different animals - and the children themselves. Leer más Children permanent exhibition Ubicación ANOHA Kinderwelt des Jüdischen Museums Berlin ANOHA Kinderwelt des Jüdischen Museums Berlin Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohnplatz 110969 Berlin Hora 09:00 https://anoha.de/ Comprar billetes
Family © Aquarium Berlin Family Continuous event Aquarium Berlin Aquarium Berlin Family Continuous event Aquarium Berlin The Aquarium Berlin is one of the most famous aquariums in Europe. From colorful reef inhabitants to impressive sharks, from gardening ants to fascinating giant snakes - behind historical facades mysterious, curious and monstrous creatures are waiting to be… Leer más Children Teenager Ubicación Aquarium Berlin Aquarium Berlin Budapester Straße 32 10787 Berlin Hora 09:00 https://www.aquarium-berlin.de/de Comprar billetes
Family © LEGOLAND Discovery Centre Deutschland GmbH Family Continuous event LEGOLAND® Discovery Center Berlin LEGOLAND® Discovery Center Berlin Family Continuous event LEGOLAND® Discovery Center Berlin The LEGOLAND Discovery Centre is the ultimate indoor LEGO playground for families with children aged 3-10. Young LEGO fans can expect over 5 million LEGO bricks spread over 11 play areas. All stones, all colors, many themes! Leer más Children Teenager Ubicación Legoland Discovery Centre Legoland Discovery Centre Potsdamer Straße 4 10785 Berlin Hora 10:00 https://www.legolanddiscoverycentre.com/berlin/ Comprar billetes
Family © Promo Family 20.02.2025 + 43 additional dates Platypus Theater Platypus Theater Family 20.02.2025 + 43 additional dates Platypus Theater Platypus, the Berlin Children's and Youth Theater develops and produces English-language or bilingual plays for children and young people as an independent theater group. Leer más Children Ubicación BKA Theater BKA Theater Hora 11:00 https://www.bka-theater.de/content_start.php?id=16
Family © www.Planetarium.Berlin Family 20.02.2025 + 6 additional dates Der Traumzauberbaum Der Traumzauberbaum Family 20.02.2025 + 6 additional dates Der Traumzauberbaum The Planetarium Berlin Foundation presents the cult musical "Der Traumzauberbaum" ("The Dream Magic Tree") by Reinhard Lakomy and Monika Ehrhardt-Lakomy in 360-degree fulldome technology with loving visualisations and animations based on the original… Leer más Children City of music Ubicación Zeiss-Großplanetarium Zeiss-Großplanetarium Hora 15:30 https://www.planetarium.berlin/traumzauberbaum
Family © Bild: Ines Schulze Family 20.02.2025 Picture Book Cinema Picture Book Cinema Family 20.02.2025 Picture Book Cinema The Kurt Tucholsky Library is showing a picture book cinema in the event room. Be surprised by the stories they have in store for you. Leer más Children Literature Free of charge Ubicación Kurt-Tucholsky-Bibliothek Kurt-Tucholsky-Bibliothek Hora 16:00 https://www.berlin.de/stadtbibliothek-pankow/bibliotheken/kurt-tucholsky-bibliothek/veranstaltungen/
Family © Bild: Ines Schulze Family 20.02.2025 + 5 additional dates Picture Book Cinema / Kamishibai Picture Book Cinema / Kamishibai Family 20.02.2025 + 5 additional dates Picture Book Cinema / Kamishibai Come along and enjoy picture book cinema or Kamishibai and lots of stories. The picture book cinema is designed to promote the reading motivation and language development of nursery and school children up to 4th grade. It is based on a media package consisting… Leer más Children Teenager Free of charge Ubicación Janusz-Korczak-Bibliothek Janusz-Korczak-Bibliothek Hora 16:30 https://www.berlin.de/stadtbibliothek-pankow/bibliotheken/janusz-korczak-bibliothek/veranstaltungen/
Family © Bild: Stadtbibliothek Pankow Family 21.02.2025 + 18 additional dates Picture Book Cinema / Kamishibai Picture Book Cinema / Kamishibai Family 21.02.2025 + 18 additional dates Picture Book Cinema / Kamishibai There is a picture book cinema or kamishibai for children aged 4 and over. Leer más Children Free of charge Ubicación Bettina-von-Arnim-Bibliothek Bettina-von-Arnim-Bibliothek Hora 16:30 https://www.berlin.de/stadtbibliothek-pankow/bibliotheken/bettina-von-arnim-bibliothek/veranstaltungen/
Family © Bianca Sprotte Family 21.02.2025 + 8 additional dates Game night in the library Game night in the library Family 21.02.2025 + 8 additional dates Game night in the library Game night in the library Hey gamers! Leer más Free of charge Ubicación Bezirkszentralbibliothek "Mark Twain" Bezirkszentralbibliothek "Mark Twain" Hora 17:00
Family © Anna Wyszomierska Family 21.02.2025 + 3 additional dates SIEGFRIED & JOY - Las Vegas for Children — The magic show for the whole family SIEGFRIED & JOY - Las Vegas for Children — The magic show for the whole family Family 21.02.2025 + 3 additional dates SIEGFRIED & JOY - Las Vegas for Children — The magic show for the whole family Fabulous tricks, amazing stories and lots of charm, wit and love for magic: Siegfried & Joy's performances show that magic is anything but dusty, but is great fun. Leer más Children Ubicación Heimathafen Neukölln Heimathafen Neukölln Hora 17:00 https://heimathafen-neukoelln.de/events/siegfried-joy-2025/ Comprar billetes
Family © Frederike van der Straeten Family 22.02.2025 + 3 additional dates Interactive concert: “Ri-ra-rutsch” Interactive concert: “Ri-ra-rutsch” Family 22.02.2025 + 3 additional dates Interactive concert: “Ri-ra-rutsch” At the participatory concerts for children aged 3 and over, the close proximity of music, dance and rhythm makes all the fibers of the body vibrate. Each concert is dedicated to different instruments, played by members of the Berlin Philharmonic or the Karajan… Leer más Children Classic music in Berlin City of music Ubicación Philharmonie Berlin - Kammermusiksaal (Foyer) Philharmonie Berlin - Kammermusiksaal (Foyer) Hora 10:00 https://www.berliner-philharmoniker.de/konzerte/kalender/55775
Family © GSI Music (2022) Family 22.02.2025 + 5 additional dates Bébé Symphonique Bébé Symphonique Family 22.02.2025 + 5 additional dates Bébé Symphonique With "Bébé Symphonique" parents can immerse themselves in a colorful universe of colors and shapes with their babies and toddlers - without any seating restrictions. Leer más Children City of music Ubicación Zeiss-Großplanetarium Zeiss-Großplanetarium Hora 10:30 https://www.planetarium.berlin/veranstaltungen/bebe-symphonique
Family © czyk Labor Family 15.02.2025 – 23.02.2025 Simply Play Simply Play Family 15.02.2025 – 23.02.2025 Simply Play Samstag und Sonntag, jeweils 11-14 Uhr und 15-18 Uhr At this gaming event, "Just Play," the name says it all. Leer más Children Ubicación Freizeit- und Erholungszentrum Wuhlheide (FEZ) Freizeit- und Erholungszentrum Wuhlheide (FEZ) Hora 11:00 – 14:00 https://fez-berlin.de/programm/detailansicht/einfach-spielen-winteredition Comprar billetes
Family © Zeichnung: D. Pommer Family 22.02.2025 + 10 additional dates Stups, die kleine Sternschnuppe Stups, die kleine Sternschnuppe Family 22.02.2025 + 10 additional dates Stups, die kleine Sternschnuppe Stups is a little shooting star who lost her home, the comet Rasefix, when it once orbited far too closely around the sun. Since then, she has been looking for a new home, but she doesn't know where to start. Leer más Children Ubicación Archenhold-Sternwarte Archenhold-Sternwarte Hora 12:30 https://www.planetarium.berlin/veranstaltungen/stups-die-kleine-sternschnuppe
Family © Promo Family 22.02.2025 + 6 additional dates Waschtag bei Familie Clown Waschtag bei Familie Clown Family 22.02.2025 + 6 additional dates Waschtag bei Familie Clown Today is wash day! Karla Clown washes clothes like a clown. Her son Kalle Clown cooks pancakes like a clown. So stained he can not go to daycare, so off into the wash tub! But the nursery is cancelled today and a new clown show with Kalle and Karla Clown is… Leer más Children Ubicación Theater Jaro Theater Jaro Hora 16:00 https://www.theater-jaro.de/
Family © Torben Kuhlmann/NordSüd Verlag Family 23.02.2025 + 6 additional dates Armstrong - A mouse's adventurous journey to the moon Armstrong - A mouse's adventurous journey to the moon Family 23.02.2025 + 6 additional dates Armstrong - A mouse's adventurous journey to the moon The small, inquisitive mouse Armstrong is fascinated by space, especially the moon. On a clear night, he observes it with his little telescope and is eager to learn more about it. The other mice claim it's made of cheese - but Armstrong doesn't believe it. Leer más science Children Ubicación Zeiss-Großplanetarium Zeiss-Großplanetarium Hora 11:00 https://www.planetarium.berlin/veranstaltungen/armstrong-die-abenteuerliche-reise-einer-maus-zum-mond
Family © Promo Family 23.02.2025 + 2 additional dates Once upon a time there was a magician Once upon a time there was a magician Family 23.02.2025 + 2 additional dates Once upon a time there was a magician A storyteller begins the story and the curtain opens. An old magician, who experiments with childlike joy, brews miraculous elixirs and, in order to test their effectiveness, tries them out on his sorcerer's apprentice. Leer más Children Teenager Ubicación Pfefferberg - Theater Pfefferberg - Theater Hora 11:00 https://www.coqauvin.de/
Family © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, David von Becker Family 24.09.2023 – 27.12.2026 Group Art4All Family Sunday Group Art4All Family Sunday Family 24.09.2023 – 27.12.2026 Group Art4All Family Sunday The weekly family Sunday Volkswagen Group Art4All Family Sunday at the Hamburger Bahnhof offers open studios, tours, workshops, art laboratories and much more. The Hamburger Bahnhof invites all visitors to discover the museum and art together with the family… Leer más Contemporary Art Children Teenager Ubicación Hamburger Bahnhof - Nationalgalerie der Gegenwart Hamburger Bahnhof - Nationalgalerie der Gegenwart Invalidenstraße 50/51 10557 Berlin Hora 12:00 https://www.smb.museum/veranstaltungen/veranstaltungsreihe/volkswagen-group-art4all-family-sunday/
Family © SPSG / Peter Adamik Family 23.02.2025 + 9 additional dates Glanz und Gloria. Festplanung mit der Kammerzofe Sophie Glanz und Gloria. Festplanung mit der Kammerzofe Sophie Family 23.02.2025 + 9 additional dates Glanz und Gloria. Festplanung mit der Kammerzofe Sophie Queen Luise is receiving a state visit and chambermaid Sophie has a problem: everyone at court must work together and plan a feast befitting the dignity of the distinguished guests. What can the chef, the court dressmaker, the governess and others contribute… Leer más Palaces and Gardens Children Ubicación Schloss Charlottenburg Schloss Charlottenburg Hora 13:00 – 15:30
Family © HO3RRAUM Family 23.02.2025 + 2 additional dates Die drei ??? und die singende Schlange (The three ??? and the singing snake) Die drei ??? und die singende Schlange (The three ??? and the singing snake) Family 23.02.2025 + 2 additional dates Die drei ??? und die singende Schlange (The three ??? and the singing snake) The world's most successful radio play series celebrates its world premiere: "The Three ??? and the Singing Snake" can be experienced for the first time as a 3D radio play in the Zeiss Planetarium. Leer más Literature Children Teenager Ubicación Zeiss-Großplanetarium Zeiss-Großplanetarium Hora 18:15 https://www.planetarium.berlin/veranstaltungen/die-drei-Fragezeichen-und-die-singende-schlange
Family © Author Family 24.02.2025 School concert: Terminal Infinity School concert: Terminal Infinity Family 24.02.2025 School concert: Terminal Infinity Terminal Infinity is an audiovisual, performative and immersive installation. Using music, dance and lighting design, it addresses the transition of humans into an increasingly technological world and reflects on the effects of technological progress on… Leer más Classic music in Berlin City of music Ubicación Philharmonie Berlin Philharmonie Berlin Hora 11:00 https://www.berliner-philharmoniker.de/konzerte/kalender/56154