Berlin is the German film capital with a long tradition. Here you can see the whole variety of current films and classical masterpieces in the most beautiful cinemas, visit a different film festival every day, meet celebrities or take a look behind the scenes at exciting exhibitions. We have put together our Top 11 for all cinemagoers, cineasts and film nerds in Berlin, from special places to festivals to the most beautiful cinemas. Check them out.
Tip 1: Film locations

Where are the locations of "The Queen Gambit" really located? And what about the red tiles that can be seen in every second film from Berlin? For a real cinephilist, every visit to Berlin naturally includes a visit to the locations of his favourite films.
More Information about film locations
Tip 2: Film festivals

Whether you're a fan of Italian or Polish films, a horror movie lover or just want to discover something new, there's a film festival for every taste in Berlin. The biggest highlight is of course the Berlinale in February, but also the smaller, rather unknown festivals with their carefully selected films are worth a visit it.
The Top 11 film festivals in Berlin in our blog
Tip 3: Extraordinay cinemas

If you want your visit to the cinema to be a special experience, then you should choose not only the film but also the cinema well. Many cinemas in Berlin like Kino International or Zoo Palast have beautiful architecture, others have outstanding technical equipment. Or they have their own nostalgic charm like the Adria in Steglitz and the Neue Off in Neukölln.
More information about extraordinary cinemas
Tip 4: Museum für Film und Fernsehen

The main highlight for all cineastes in Berlin is of course the Museum für Film und Fernsehen in the Sony Center am Potsdamer Platz. The permanent exhibition is a fascinating journey through German film history from the first experiments and silent films to today's masterpieces. Part of the exhibition shows the estate of Marlene Dietrich, including her most beautiful costumes. In addition, there are always exciting special exhibitions.
More information about the Museum für Film und Fernsehen
Tip 5: VIP spotting

Sitting next to Tilda Swinton in a café or partying with Lars Eidinger as DJ: In Berlin this can happen to you at any time. The Berliners stay cool in these moments. That's certainly one of the reasons why the city is so popular with stars and why they like to got dining and clubbing in the restaurants and clubs after shooting. And during the Berlinale you can of course also see the big stars at the premieres and press conferences.
Tip 6: Silent movie at Midnight

Every Saturday at midnight the organ plays in the Babylon cinema under the motto "Zero o'clock - zero Euro". Without paying admission you can watch a silent movie and listen to the organist Anna Vavilkina, who accompanies the movies live. The silent film organ is by the way the only one that is still at its original location and is regularly played on. A very special experience awaits you.
More information about the Babylon
Tip 7: Movies in the original version

Would you rather see the latest blockbuster or the classic from France in the original than in the German version? You'll find plenty of opportunities in Berlin. Not only at the numerous festivals and in the special retrospectives of the Kino Arsenal, the Babylon or the Zeughaus Kino, but also in many cinemas current films are shown in their original versions.
More information about cinemas in Berlin
Tip 8: Concerts with Film music

You can relive magical cinematic moments at the concerts with film music, which are enjoying increasing popularity. Famous composers like Hans Zimmer come to Berlin and conduct large orchestras. The concerts of the Babelsberg Film Orchestra also bring masterpieces of film history back to life.
More information about concerts with film music
Tip 9: Filmtablequiz

Every two months (of course not in February) the film crazy people of the city gather in SO36 to prove their knowledge at the film table quiz. Quizmaster Rex asks for directors, actors, quotes, soundtracks and "How does the scene go on?" throughout film history. Anyone can come by, join a team and take part in the race for the trophy.
Tip 10: Filmpark Babelsberg & Filmmuseum Potsdam
The heart of German film production beats in Potsdam Babelsberg on the outskirts of Berlin. German and international films and series are still being produced on this traditional site. The Filmpark Babelsberg is full of action, where you can discover and experience everything that belongs to the film. Stuntmen shows provide thrills, sets, props and original backdrops show the exciting world of film making. The film museum in the Potsdam city centre takes you deep into the film history of 100 years of Babelsberg.
More about Filmpark Babelsberg
Tip 11: Bookshops with film literature

Several bookshops in Berlin specialize in film books and offer a large selection. You can get reading food directly on the way from the Museum for Film and Television to the cinema at the bookshop "Dussmann der MuseumsShop am Potsdamer Platz" - directly in the Sony Center. The Bücherbogen Savignyplatz also specializes in architecture, design and film.